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Glendonite - 4-GEE-24

Glendonite is a fascinating and unique natural wonder. This one-of-a-kind calcite pseudomorph is formed when ikaite, a mineral found only in cold temperatures, undergoes a transformation. The result is an intriguing piece that is sure to captivate anyone who sees it. This particular Glendonite specimen comes from Russia and measures 1.66" X 1.53" X 1.33". It's beautiful and intricate crystal structure is truly mesmerizing. And because each Glendonite is completely unique, you can be sure that yours is one of a kind. There is something captivating about Glendonite's ethereal beauty. It's like looking at a snapshot of another world, or a glimpse into the hidden mysteries of the universe. Whether you choose to display it in your home or office, or keep it as a cherished private talisman, Glendonite is sure to inspire wonder and awe.

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0.0940 LBS
1.66" X 1.53" X 1.33"
Country of Origin

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