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Golden Calcite - 6-GA-12

The striking, solar colored crystal that will elevate your collection to a whole new level! This beautiful specimen measures 3.07" X 2.04" X .98" and is sourced from Maharashtra, India. The transparent yellow rhombohedral crystal has textured striated crystal faces, forming an intriguing and unique pattern. Bring a little sunshine into your life with the dazzling, golden hue of this calcite. This warm, uplifting crystal brings about positive energy while maintaining a tranquil and calming energy. Especially good for confidence in personal power, Golden Calcite can give you the encouragement to move forward on your path and to take risks. Those wishing to manifest their intentions and secure their dreams will find this powerful, energizing crystal invaluable.

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0.2183 LBS
3.07" X 2.04" X .98"
Solar Plexus
Country of Origin

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