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Ajoite in Quartz - 21-RFD-08

This exquisite specimen is a natural quartz crystal with ajoite inclusion measuring .55" X .16" X .15". Ajoite is a highly sought-after crystal due to its rarity and exceptional properties. Ajoite in Quartz is renowned for its ability to activate and revitalize the heart and throat chakras, empowering one to embrace universal love and speak with spiritual eloquence. This crystal possesses an exceptional vibration that awakens the spirit, instilling a sense of compassion, serenity, and childlike joy. This rare Ajoite in Quartz crystal from Messina, South Africa, is an invaluable tool for those seeking to strengthen their connection to Mother Earth. It is a powerful talisman that promotes the balance of energies throughout the body and enhances one's spiritual growth and development.

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0.0007 LBS
.55" X .16" X .15"
Country of Origin
South Africa

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