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Phenacite is an incredibly powerful and rare crystal, with a long history of metaphysical use. It was first discovered in Russia during the 19th century but has since been found in other parts of the world. Its name comes from the Greek word "phenax," which means "to shine." The crystal is known for its ability to bring clarity and higher consciousness while connecting us to our inner divine power. Phenacite crystals are often used in meditation as they can help promote spiritual growth and healing on many levels. Additionally, it has been associated with physical health benefits such as increased energy and improved immunity. 

Phenacite is colorless and transparent with a vitreous luster and hexagonal prismatic crystals. Its Mohs hardness scale measures between 6-7, making it quite durable when compared to other minerals. Phenacite also has an unusually high refractive index which gives it its characteristic brilliance in light. Its chemical composition includes beryllium silicate as well as traces of aluminum, iron, magnesium, and calcium, among others. Phenacite may also be found in combination with quartz or chrysoberyl due to their similar physical properties. 

Phenacite is an incredibly powerful and rare crystal that has a long history of metaphysical use. It is said to bring clarity and higher consciousness while connecting us to our inner divine power, making it an ideal tool for meditation. Phenacite can help promote spiritual growth and healing on many levels, as well as provide physical health benefits such as increased energy and improved immunity. Its unique properties make it highly sought after by those looking to access the spiritual realm or improve their overall well-being.